"Resolution 786: A Novel in Three Acts Telling Cuneiform Tales of Love and War and God and Lust and Loss" by Mohamed Mughal
My grade: A+
This is in many ways one of the most intelligent, and daring, books I have read in a long time. The concept alone - putting the Lord on trial - deserves an A for sheer creativity. What I appreciate most about this novel is that it assumes a smart and knowledgeable reader, one who will read actively. If you are not familiar with the Bible, however, many of the allusions and references will be lost on you.
While one of the central characters in this book is God himself, I would not call this a religious book. Rather, I think it is much more humanistic in both its form and goal. I also don't think you necessarily have to be a believer in order to appreciate its beauty. Beware though: while it reads like a fast-read, it is everything but that. This novel has many layers to it, both heartfelt and grotesque, making it quite genius.
Stay tuned for more information about a virtual blog tour with Mohamed Mughal, to take place in March. You will have the opportunity to voice your questions to the author, and get direct replies from him.